Membuat Aneka Jus
15 January 2020Kali ini siswa-siswa TK B belajar cara membuat jus buah jeruk, melon, dan pepaya. Setelah dikenalkan bagian dan tekstur dari buah-buahan tersebut maka para siswa pun mengubahnya jadi minuman segar yang bergizi. Melalui kegiatan belajar ini para siswa mendapat kesempatan melatih motorik halusnya saat memeras jeruk secara manual. Para siswa pun tampak bersemangat dan senang menunggu giliran untuk memotong buah dan menggunakan blender. Setelah pembelajaran selesai semua peralatan dicuci dan ditata rapi.
This time, the Kindergarten B students learned how to make orange, melon, and papaya fruit juices. After being introduced to the parts and textures of the fruits, the students turned them into fresh, nutritious drinks. Through this learning activity, students have the opportunity to practice their fine motor skills while squeezing oranges manually. The students also seemed excited and happy to wait their turn to cut fruits and use a blender. After learning, all equipment is washed and neatly arranged.
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