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Education in Human Values
To foster universal human values NZH has developed partnership with Values in Action to infuse human values attributes into our school. Values In Action (ViA) is an organization devoted in promoting values that are at the core of all human aspirations, which are universal by nature and do not change with time and place. The organization believes that a school is a sanctified place of learning; which main purpose is to let every individual personality blossoms, and thus creating a holistic human being. Through the implementation of Values in Action (ViA) Framework, the schools are guided to inculcate, infuse, and integrate universal human values into their school environment, and in turn creates values school.Highlights of this distinctive program includes :
Morning assembly
Held every morning with the purpose to infuse the day with good values. Students are responsible to run their own assembly, and thus providing them with ample opportunities to learn about leadership skills, public speaking skills, and possibilities to share their talents with everyone.
Silent sitting
Carried out every morning after the assembly program, the purpose of silent sitting is to provide students with the ability to pause, de-stress, and get clarity by connecting with their inner-self. With the hectic world around us, this is an opportunity for them to learn to achieve mindfulness and peacefulness anytime, anywhere, while relying only on themselves.
The school is divided into 5 houses, which are House of Truth, House of Right Conduct, House of Peace , House of Love and House of Non-violence. All the teachers and students belong to one particular house. Each house consists of students from Primary to Senior High, so there is a range of ages in the house. The purpose of these houses is to create bonds between the older brothers/sisters and younger brothers/sisters. For older students they are learning how to interact, how to perform a responsibility, how to lead and become a role model for their younger brothers/sisters. For younger students, they will have someone to look up to as a role model while they are growing. Instead of only developing bonds with their classmates, they now have the opportunity to create bonds with students who are in different levels and ages from them.
Value diary
A checklist of diary, completed by students together with their parents at home. This is a tool for them to reflect on their daily behavior. With the parents’ guidance, students can get advice on social challenges and dilemmas that they are facing daily; and thus provide both parties with the opportunity to connect and build meaningful relationship.
Value board
A chart placed in every class with different values and students’ name attached to them. This chart acknowledges and helps motivate them to display distinctive practical values & characters. In turn students will be more aware of their characters, get acknowledgment for their good behaviors, and will be further motivated to practice these values which we hope to be part of their characters.
Human value classes
A school subject which focuses on collectively delivering the same topic of human values education toward the whole school population; taking into account the different intensities and approaches needed by the different grades/levels.
Social mandate activities
Human being is a social creature and it is our duty to help and serve others. Students are exposed to this experience, and given the opportunity to feel the joy and fulfillment in serving and helping others. Social mandate aims to make students aware of their action and service, and how those will benefit others.
The infusion of values in school subjects and programs
Teachers are equipped with the knowledge and the heart to infuse human values in delivering their subject matters. This is done both inside the classroom and within the whole school environment.